Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Caffe Panette

I don't think I would describe this place as charming, but with corner block real-estate across from the South Melbourne markets and clean bright red umbrellas outside it does draw a large crowd on weekends. With some previous poor reviews we entered Panette with hesitation and low expectations.

The inside of the cafe with plain wooden tables & chairs, standard light fixtures and chill out music, it almost seems as though you've entered a cafe without much of an identity and certainly different to the arguably French-looking exterior.

The barista and wait staff were friendly and later told us that Panette means small bread in Italian. But, we tried the bircher muesli which was purple in color, so must have been made with a berry yoghurt - a first for us, we are new to eating heathy foods you see.

As for the soy latte it didn't offend and was surprisingly ok. Still, I wouldn't call the coffee aficionados, but for those wanting a quick break a stone's throw away from the South Melbourne market, it will do just fine.

We will brave the masses and try it out again and see how it fares on the weekend.

Caffe Panette
Cnr Coventry & Cecil Streets
03 9690 2803

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