It was a rat race morning today, needed to be in at work at 8am, so there was no time for a sit down coffee and breakfast bite.
Jo was absent from today's excursion for a south melbourne soy latte, and so far this was the morning to miss.
The best takeaway option along the way to work, besides stopping off at Caffinetics in Equitable Place in the City, is right at the tram stop. Here lies Selection Cafe.
Dressed in dark colors of a chic urbanite with black chairs hung from the ceiling and, uniquely, a chained up coffee machine attached to the wall. This should conjure up images and thoughts of a S&M or a stolen coffee machine or an out of business or something criminal that should be behind bars. It's safe to say that the coffee wasn't punishable by law, though it would be by a court of coffee drinkers.
First it started by being far too hot, I had to wait ten minutes before drinking which mad matters worse, and I suppose has led to a more harsh review. Also, too bitter to the taste and the type of soy milk they used in combination leaves that lingering coating over your tongue. In fact, and disgustingly, my tongue is still coated in 9 hour old milk now - gross even by my high standards of cleanliness.
Give it a skip unless you like your coffee extra hot and a bitter taste. Nothing against the barista personally he was friendly enough, just punishing his skills and choice of beans, but I won't be drink a soy latte from there again. No matter how much of a hurry i may be in. Maybe I'll pick up a bottled water - nah there is a 7 Eleven next door.
Selection Cafe
210 Clarendon St.
South Melbourne
03 9696 6701
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